To guarantee the best possible start for our puppies, we raise them focusing on a time-intensive enrichment program. Our goal is to raise dogs who are not only healthy, but also curious, willing to learn, self-confident and full of life. And that is why is it so important to start socialising puppies as comprehensively as possible depending on their stage of life.
It all starts with where the puppies are born – in the centre of our home, our living room. And they will stay in the centre of our house until they go to their new families.
In their first days of live we perform ENS & ESI – early neurological stimulation, which at this early stage allows us to create the beginnings of dogs that will respond better to stressful stimuli, adapt more easily to new situations and recover more quickly.
From 3rd week, where puppies eyes and ears unseal, we start gradually familiarise dogs with different sounds, surfaces, objects, rooms, peoples, spaces (like garden or outside world). Each element is not only adapted to the age and developmental stage of the puppies, but is also adapted to the individual litter and its developmental leaps.
In the meantime we observe puppies, make notes and perform different behavioural test to assess their temperament and choose the right family for the right puppy.
On moving to their new homes, the puppies will be used to different sounds (TV, music, vacuum cleaner, storm, planes… etc), different surfaces, hygiene procedures (combing, teeth check, clipping of claws… etc), contact with new objects and people, car rides, visiting vet and similar.
As our puppies grow up, we also familiarise them with many different foods. Regardless of whether you want to feed your puppy high-quality dry food, or you want to BARF – our puppies have no problems accepting it.